Monday, May 18, 2020

TS Eliot paper - 1017 Words

â€Å"Where is the Life we have lost in living? Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?† T.S. Eliot (T.S. Eliot Quotes.) TS Eliot was not only a poet, but a poet that wanted to change his world. He was writing in the hopes that it would give his society a reality check that would encourage them to change themselves and make their lives more worthwhile. Through his themes of alienation, isolation, and giving an example of a decaying society, TS Eliot wanted to change his society. Alienation is a common theme that consistently runs throughout TS Eliot’s poetry. Eliot knew how alienation felt first hand through his experience of being born in Missouri and later moving to Boston to go to†¦show more content†¦The street lamp is talking in this, which points out that to TS Eliot inanimate objects had more life to them then the regular people in the poem that was either an insult to the audience or trying to motivate them to change. If this poem did strike a cord with a person and they realized how fake and shallow they were then maybe they would wake up and really start living their live which was one of Eliot’s underlying reasons for these types of poems. In this poem he shows how the fakeness of society can eventually travel down even to the kids. Children are usually so filled with happiness and enjoying their life so much so when a child in this poem is depicted as having nothing behind their eyes it is meant to really hit a nerve within people. So the child is shown to have nothing behind it’s eyes to show how adults in that time period having no substance to their lives will eventually go down and affect even the children. Another idea that deeply concerned TS Eliot was the decaying state of his society. In poem after poem the idea of feeling detached and pushed away from the world sprang out from the pages. The poem entitled Hollow men depicts this idea very well. Here, TS Eliot describes how everyone is just hollow men stuffed with useless knowledge and things he calls ‘straw’. â€Å"Those who have crossed With direct eyes, to deaths other Kingdom Remember us -- if at all -- not as lost Violent souls, but only As the hollow men TheShow MoreRelatedTs Eliot Critical Essay888 Words   |  4 PagesHow has your research into TS Eliots life and the opinions of ONE critic enriched your understanding of an aspect of The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock? Let us go then, you and I. Throughout the poem, The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock, written by TS Eliot, there is a consistent use of the words you and I. Not much is said about the narrator or who he is talking to and after conducting research on TS Eliot himself as well as reading opinions of critics on this topic, my understandingRead MoreT.S. Eliots Writing Style and Use of Symbolism790 Words   |  4 Pagesfar can possibly find out how far one can go,† T.S. 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