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Good Topics To Write A Argumentative Research Paper
Monday, August 24, 2020
Process flow chart Free Essays
The whole framework or procedure of accomplishing work ought to be concentrated before attempted a careful examination of a particular activity simultaneously. Such a general investigation will normally remember an examination of each progression for the assembling procedure or framework. Procedure Analysis Tools ;activity process outline ; Flow process graph Flow graph OPERATION PROCESS CHART The activity procedure diagram shows the ordered arrangement everything being equal, investigations, time stipends, and materials utilized in an assembling or business process, from the appearance of crude material to the bundling of the knishes item. We will compose a custom article test on Procedure stream graph or then again any comparable theme just for you Request Now The outline portrays the passageway all things considered and subassembly to the principle gathering. Two images are utilized in building the activity procedure Chart : an activity and a review. Stream PROCESS CHART The stream procedure outline is a gadget for recording a procedure in a smaller way, as a methods for better getting it and improving it. The diagram speaks to graphically the different advances or occasions that happen during the presentation of an assignment or doing a progression of activities. The graph for the most part starts with the crude material entering the processing plant and finishes it each progression. The procedure diagram images : The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (SAME) has built up the five standard images are depicted As follows: Operation An activity happens when an item is purposefully changed in at least one of its attributes. An activity speaks to a significant advance all the while and ordinarily happens at a machine or work station. Transportation A transportation happens when an item is moved starting with one spot then onto the next, aside from when the development is a vital piece of an activity or and assessment. Investigation An examination happens when an article is analyzed for ID or is contrast with a standard similarly as with amount or quality. Defer A postponement happens when the prompt execution of the following arranged move doesn't make place. Capacity A capacity happens when an article is monitored to such an extent that its withdrawal requires approval. Consolidated images Two images might be joined when exercises are performed at a similar work place or when they are performed simultaneously as one movement. Model Represents a consolidated activity and assessment. The Process diagram images Types of Flow Process Chart: †Product or Material sort †Worker (Man) type Machine type Process outline (Material) for arrangement of post office based mail Flow process graph (laborer) for field investigation of LUG. Stream DIAGRAM A pictorial portrayal of the design of floors and structures, indicating the areas of all exercises on the stream procedure outline, is a stream graph. The stream outline is a useful enhancement to the stream procedure diagram since it demonstrates backtracking and conceivable traffic blockage regions, and it encourages building up a thought plant design. Stream graph of the old design of a gathering of procedure on The Grand rifle. Recoding Buffing Wheels with Emery In huge production lines where substantial cleaning and polishing activities are required, it is standard to recoated polishing wheels with emery in the plant, in this manner keeping a flexibly of new wheels consistently accessible. The wheels are made of layers of texture sewed together, and their normal weight is 40 pounds. They fluctuate in distance across from 18 to 24 inches, and width of face from 3 to 5 inches. The outline or face of wheel is covered with paste and emery dust. The principal layer of paste is permitted to set around one-half hour before the subsequent coat is applied. The temperature in the room where the wheels are lamented is kept up between 80 to 900, and the mugginess Is additionally controlled. Polishing wheel Original Method The boundary of the wheel was covered with paste and afterward move by hand through a shallow trough loaded up with emery dust, consequently covering the wheel. After the paste had dried, a second layer of paste and emery dust was applied likewise. The wheels were then pulled to a drying stove. What's more, held tight tracks in the stove until the paste was completely dry. Administrator applies paste to periphery of worn wheel by mean of a brush Old technique for reproducing wheel. Administrator moves stick secured heel to and fro in trough containing emery dust. Stream Process Chart (unique technique) Flow graph of old strategy for reproducing polishing wheels with emery. The accompanying inquiries may be posed about this Job: ; Why coat the wheels by hand? ; Why handle the wheels so frequently? ; Could the wheels be covered on the main floor rather than on the second? Improved Method OH extraordinary covering machine was constructed, making it conceivable to apply the paste and emery to the wheel in one activity with substantially less time and exertion than by the old strategy. ;Since this machine was situated on the main floor high schooler the capacity zone and the drying broiler, it was superfluous to move the wheels to the subsequent floor. ;exceptional truck racks were utilized rather than ordinary stage trucks, wipe out a lot of pointless treatment of wheels. Improved Method (proceed) ;The covered wheels stayed on the truck racks while in the drying stove. Instructions to refer to Process stream graph, Essays Procedure Flow Chart Free Essays The Flow Process Chart In investigating forms, specific activities en route are regularly noteworthy, particularly on the off chance that you are hoping to take out wellsprings of waste (or muda, as the Japanese call it, for example, having archives accumulating in-plate or materials being moved from column to post. How it functions The Flow procedure Chart is a basic half-content, half-picture strategy for demonstrating the means in a procedure, utilizing images to show the kind of move being made and content to give subtleties of the activity. The diagram can specifically be utilized to show what happens to chosen individuals, materials or hardware. We will compose a custom exposition test on Procedure Flow Chart or on the other hand any comparable theme just for you Request Now [pic] Parts of a Flow Process Chart An especially valuable element of the outline is that it very well may be drawn up as the procedure is going on. Therefore you can pursue a section around a production line floor, for instance, taking note of how and when it is machined, put away, moved, and so forth. The table beneath shows a significant number of the images that might be found in Flow Process Charts. |Symbol |Title |Description | |[pic] |Operation |A complex activity or procedure (conceivably depicted somewhere else), frequently | |changing something. |[pic] |Transport |Movement of individuals or things. May be joined by a separation | |measurement. | |[pic] |Delay |Idle time of individuals or machines, or impermanent stockpiling of materials. | |[pic] |Storage |Permanent stockpiling of materials or different things. | |[pic] |Inspection |Checking of things to guarantee right quality or amount. | [pic] |Combined activity |Overlay images for activities which join types. Put the fundamental action | |outside. | |[pic ] |Reject |Rejection of thing. Enclosures show level of things dismissed. Line to| | |right lead to subsequent activity. | |[pic] |Differentiated operation|Letter shows kind of activity, e. g. C = administrative, | |M = machine, and so forth |[pic] |State change |Description shows change in state, for instance a fluid cooling into | |a strong. | |[pic] |Alternating forms |Down-bolt shows one of a few potential activities. This can show | |alternative or concurrent procedures. | How to do it 1. Recognize the procedure to be outlined and the goal for diagramming it. 2. Recognize the image set to be utilized. 3. Record the means of the procedure as it occurs, beginning at the highest point of the page, with images on the left overlaying a vertical line with proper notes about what is befalling the right. Attempt to record critical exercises which are for the most part of around equivalent size (except if the issue is at the detail level, don't attempt to catch an excess of detail). You can likewise make the graph progressively valuable by such deceives as numbering the diverse activity types in grouping (for instance so you can perceive how frequently the thing under assessment was moved) and altering the course of ovement bolts to show info or yield action. You can likewise put the time taken in every movement to one side of the image. [pic]Using the Flow Process Chart 4. On the off chance that you are watching the procedure as it occurs, you might need to rehash the examination a few times to guarantee you have caught the typical chain of occasions. 5. Dissect the last graph, for instance totalling times taken in non-esteem including exercises, for example, stockpiling, development and assessment. The most effective method to refer to Process Flow Chart, Essays
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Health team role in minimizing adverse events in the hospital Essay
Wellbeing group job in limiting unfavorable occasions in the medical clinic writing survey - Essay Example Mill operator M R, J S Clark, C U Lehmann.(2006). PC based prescription blunder announcing: bits of knowledge and suggestions. Qual Saf Health Care.;15:208-213. Adams Sally Taylor and Vincent Charles. Frameworks Analysis of Clinical Incidents-The London Protocol. Clinical Safety Research Unit .Imperial College London. Mohr J and P B Batalden.(2002). Improving security on the bleeding edges: the job of clinical Microsystems. Qual Saf Health Care 2002;11:45-50 Wilson R.M., Runciman W.B., Gibberd R.W., Harrison B.T., Newby L. and Hamilton J.D. (1995) The quality in Australian social insurance study. Clinical Journal of Australia 163, 458-471. Buist M., Jarmolowski E., Burton P., Bernard S., Waxman B. and Anderson J. (1999) .Recognizing clinical unsteadiness in medical clinic patients before heart failure or spontaneous admission to escalated care. A pilot concentrate in a tertiary-care emergency clinic. Clinical Journal of Australia 171, 22-25. Franklin C., Mamdani B. and Burke G. (1986). Expectation of medical clinic captures: toward a protection procedure. Clinical Research 34, 954A. Sax F.L. and Charlson M.E. (1987). Clinical patients at high hazard for disastrous crumbling. Basic Care Medicine 15, 510-515. Schein R.M., Hazday N., Pena M., Ruben B.H. and Sprung C.L. (1990). Clinical precursors to in-medical clinic cardiopulmonary arrest.Chest 98, 1388-1392. Considine J. and Botti M. (2004). Who, when and where Identification of patients in danger of an in-clinic antagonistic occasion: suggestions for nursing practice. Universal Journal of Nursing Practice 10,21-31. Daffurn K., Lee A., Hillman K.M., Bishop G.F. and Bauman A. (1994). Do medical caretakers realize when to gather crisis help Intensive and Critical Care Nursing 10, 115-120. Lee A., Bishop G., Hillman K.M. and Daffurn K. (1995). The health related crisis group. Anaesthesia...The Canadian Adverse Events Study: the rate of unfavorable occasions among emergency clinic patients in Canada. JAMC - 25 MAI 2004; 170 (11) Buist M., Jarmolowski E., Burton P., Bernard S., Waxman B. and Anderson J. (1999) .Recognizing clinical unsteadiness in emergency clinic patients before heart failure or spontaneous admission to concentrated consideration. A pilot concentrate in a tertiary-care emergency clinic. Clinical Journal of Australia 171, 22-25. Considine J. and Botti M. (2004). Who, when and where Identification of patients in danger of an in-emergency clinic unfriendly occasion: ramifications for nursing practice. Universal Journal of Nursing Practice 10,21-31. McGloin H., Adam S.K. and Singer M. (1999). Surprising passings andreferrals to concentrated consideration of patients on general wards. Are a few cases possibly avoidable Journal of the Royal College of Physicians:London 33, 255-259. Brennan T A, L Leape, N M Laird, L Hebert, A R Localio, A G Lawthers, J P Newhouse, P C Weiler,H H Hiatt.(2004).Incidence of antagonistic occasions and carelessness in hospitalized patients: consequences of the Harvard Medical Practice Study .Qual Saf Health Care 2004;13:145-152. Jain,M, L Miller, D Belt, D King and D M Berwick.(2006).Decline in ICU antagonistic occasions, nosocomial diseases and cost through a quality improvement activity concentrating on cooperation and culture change. Qual. Saf. Wellbeing Care.15;235-239. Cavallo, K. and Brienza, D.( 2003).
Wheelchair Interfaces for Paralyzed Persons
Wheelchair Interfaces for Paralyzed Persons New strategy recommend a few enhancements with respect to muscles to drive a wheelchair. Individuals with handicaps, for example, Parkinsons infection, numerous sclerosis or tetraplegia experience issues while utilizing customary wheelchair-coordinated joystick because of deformations of their appendages, amputees, tremor or in light of the fact that the are incapacitated beneath the neck. For them, various strategies to utilize wheelchair have been designed. Among them, the most well known are voice order, mind order, eye following, face following and tongue following. In this venture, the primary accentuation is put on interfaces dependent on eye-following, head signals and clients propensities. The eye strategies are compelling, yet diverts patients see. The physiological foundation of Electro-Oculography is surely known among various eye development look into strategies. Subsequently, the report with respect to this venture is picked to be portrayed. voice order is unreasonably touchy for the foundation clamor, however has works very quick. Tongue following is badly arranged, however not as much as eye following. Face following is delicate for skin shading, however very effective. Cerebrum order is extremely fruitful, however hard to change. 2.1. Eye-PC interfaces The creators of [1] present an electrooculography (EOG) based wheelchair interface. Past basic way managing, this gadget has three different highlights: way re-directing, snag detecting and evasion, and tilt location. It is likewise worth nothing that the microcontroller is utilized in the wheelchair framework rather than a PC. Electrooculography is a bio-clinical method utilized for eye developments perceptions. It quantifies the resting capability of the retina. This potential originates from the way that eye demonstrations a dipole: it has a positive charge on the cornea (the forward portion of the eye) and a negative charge on the retina (the back piece of the eye). The estimations are led with anodes applied onto the face skin. Increasingly significant is the area of the terminals which relies upon the eye developments. In the event that the patients look is in the level course, the terminals must be set close to the sidelong canthi of the two eyes. Then again, in the event that eye developments are required to shift a vertical way, at that point the anodes must be set above and underneath the eye. Figure 2.1Electro-Oculography technique It is especially fascinating that the constructors applied extra ultrasonic sensors into the wheelchair. These sensors, put on the wheelchair body, impart sign to distinguish hindrance and afterward get the reflected wave. This back sign encourages the microcontroller to pick the best way. The analysts structured the interface in that manner that look bearings like left, right, forward or back relate with universally comprehended headings like north, west, east and south. No heartbeat implies focus. The microcontroller of alleged User Instructions Processor (UIP) encodes up and coming signs all together drive to a specific way or to maintain a strategic distance from crash with a deterrent. At long last, the tilt recognition calculation is acknowledged by the gyrator applied to Drive Control Module. It advises UIP about conceivable risk related with breaking safe tilt limit, predefined for wheelchair. For this situation, restorative measures is finished by the client or the alarm to the patients specialist/nurture is sent. 2.2. Head Gesture Recognition This strategy, depicted in [2], permits to get pictures of people head so as to process them for specific orders. The hardware utilized for this application is called Gesture Cam. It is a Smart Camera which was altered with inserting a preparing unit. This adjustment permits the gadget to process pictures at the high goals. Also, because of this condition, the main mage highlight that must be handled, is the yield of the camera. GestureCam depends on Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) which should process information from escalated video quicker continuously than a customary Personal Computer. Right off the bat, the creators took the video of the client. From that point forward, they utilized Viola-Jones strategy so as to distinguish clients faces. Figure 2.2 Viola-Jones technique utilized for recognizing nose. Figure 2.3Viola-Jones technique utilized for recognizing eyes 2.3. Anticipative Shared Control The specialists and simultaneously the creators of introduced a wheelchair route interface which empowers the client to move starting with one room then onto the next into an indoor spot. The command over this interface is shared between the client and the PC. Thusly, it is called Anticipative Shared Control and the framework POMDP (represents Partially Observable Markov Decision Process). The primary effect of the PC is that it utilizes information dependent on human propensities, visited ways, time and so on. Then again, client can choose whether he/she needs to pick specific way, recommended by the interface or change settings. The principle reason for these activities is to finished clients goals and desires as full as conceivable without expanding exertion while working the wheelchair. Tha preferred position of that arrangement is that the wheelchair can take the client for longer excursion without requiring more motions. The creators notice that utilizing intuitive interfaces like eye-following or Electromyography (EMG) might be tiring for the human. The proposed structure of the wheelchair interface is to utilize make combination of head signals and eye-following and to include more capacities like winking, exposing teeth, causing a commotion or In this report different wheelchair interfaces were introduced. The point of their structure is to improve life of people who experience the ill effects of illnesses causing. To the extent eye-following is thought of, numerous papers with respect to eye-following frameworks were distributed. For the most part, the upside of eye-following over voice order is that eye can impart precise noticeable sign, for instance, by looking toward certain path. It is significant that eye-following strategy, portrayed in , is entirely solid. Besides, it is easy to use in different applications. In light of the clear look identification, it is truly dependable, exact and, in view of past research, very monetary. The utilization of microcontroller lessens time of complex figurings, gives enough significant level of knowledge and unweights the wheelchair due to supplanting a PC. The head motion interface is very successful and monetary. Be that as it may, it faces diverse climate conditions, (for example, changes in enlightenment or different articles out of sight) just as clients appearance (face composition, or glasses). [1] R. T. Bankar and Dr. S. S. Salankar, Head Gesture Recognition System Using Gesture Cam, in Fifth International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies, Gwalior, India, 2015. [2] P. Pinheiro, E. Cardozo and C. Pinheiro, Anticipative Shared Control for Robotic Wheelchairs Used by People with Disabilities, in IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions, Vila Real, Portugal, 2015. [3] T. R. Pingali, S. Dubey, A. Shivaprasad, A. Varshney, S. Ravishankar, G. R. Pingali, N. K. Polisetty, N. Manjunath and Dr. K. V. Padmaja, Eye-Gesture Controlled Intelligent Wheelchair utilizing Electro-Oculography, in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Melbourne, Australia, 2014.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Nelson Mandela Essay Free Essays
The world head I have decided to expound on is Nelson Mandela: Nelson Mandela’s ascend in the political field can be followed back to his years as one of the main individuals from the African National Congress, also called the ANC, starting in 1944 (Mandela, 2009). The ANC was one of the most seasoned South African social liberties associations. The union’s main role, the opportunity and equivalent privileges of every dark resident from the act of apartheidâ€South Africa’s then sanctioned type of racismâ€was a characteristic draw for Mandela. We will compose a custom exposition test on Nelson Mandela Essay or then again any comparative subject just for you Request Now Mr. Mandela depicts in his own words the choosing second when he joined the ANC: I had no revelation, no solitary disclosure, no decision time, yet a consistent gathering of a thousand insults, a thousand outrages, a thousand unremembered minutes, [that] created in me a displeasure, a disobedience, a longing to battle the framework that detained my kin (Mandela, 2009). Mandela’s want and drive supported him in the troublesome years ahead. In the wake of joining the ANC and making its first youth class (Mandela, 2009). Mandela proceeded to compose numerous peaceful fights and common insubordination shows all through a great part of the nation. Developing in prevalence, these crusades were in the end regarded illicit by the National Partyâ€the racial oppressor government in power at the timeâ€and at last prompted the detainment of Mandela in 1962 (Mandela, 2009). Albeit numerous individuals pushed for his discharge consistently, it was from his own jail cell twenty years after the fact when Nelson Mandela at last arranged his own opportunity and started the long, dull, yet serene procedure of making another administration for the South African individuals. Cooperating with South Africa’s new president, F.W. de Klerk, Mandela haggled nobly in the formation of another and non-prejudicial government. The two men left a mark on the world on September 26, 1992 when they marked the Record of Understanding, an archive formalizing their consent to make another, non-racial, vote based government unreservedly chose by the individuals (Mandela, 2009). Nelson Mandela proceeded to turn into the primary unreservedly chose President of South Africa and proceeded with the difficult work of reconstructing his nation. He served his administration for a long time, venturing down from legislative issues in 1999. Albeit expelled from open office, Mandela proceeded toâ advocate for issues critical to his nation; issues, for example, AIDS, destitution, and human rights. Once more, Nelson Mandela worked indefatigably for the benefit of his kin, getting various prizes consistently, until he officially resigned from open life in 2004 (Mandela, 2009). Because of his life’s work, Nelson Mandela everlastingly changed the social view and practice of politically-sanctioned racial segregation in his nation. Strategically, his endeavors brought about the first non-biased, equitable (dominant part rule) government for South Africa. In this way, I see these as the two most critical social and political changes that happened because of Nelson Mandela. Undertaking B.The singular I have decided to expound on is Martin Luther King, Jr.: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was known as a strict reformer and social equality dissident who rose to significance during the social liberties developments of the United States. Dr. Ruler started his profession as a social liberties extremist in 1956 (About Dr. Ruler, n.d.) when he was employed as a representative for the Montgomery Bus Boycott; a battle composed and completely bolstered by the dark network of Montgomery in dissent of the isolation of the city transport lines. This blacklist, which went on for 381 days, finished effectively with the U.S. Preeminent Court administering pronouncing racial isolation in open transportation unlawful (About Dr. Ruler, n.d.). This milestone dissent would end up being nevertheless one of the numerous effective battles Dr. Ruler would lead all through his lifetime. In 1958, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) chose Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as their leader (About Dr. Lord, n.d.). The SCLC’s crucial giving direction to the developing social equality development (happening all through a significant part of the south) filled in as the ideal stage for Dr. King’s message. From here, Dr. Lord would proceed to arrange numerous crusades, the vast majority of them happening in Birmingham, Alabama, at that point portrayed â€Å"as the most isolated city in America†(About Dr. Lord, n.d.). Drawing from the peaceful lessons of Mohandas Gandhi, Dr. King’s quiet fights and common insubordination exhibitions were broadcast as a distinct difference to the fierceness of Birmingham’s police power. The broadcast beatings of youthful dark dissenters demonstrated a lot for the country to manage, inciting congressâ to start enactment in the interest of the social equality development in 1962 (About Dr. Lord, n.d.). Despite the fact that the Birmingham exhibits prompted the composition of his open and now acclaimed â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail;†a well-spoken, elegantly composed declaration of Dr. King’s convictions and activities (About Dr. Lord, n.d.), time would show that Martin Luther King, Jr.’s most prominent minutes were still to come. In 1963 Dr. Ruler accumulated in excess of a quarter-million individuals to Washington D.C.’s National Mall for the â€Å"March for Jobs and Freedom,†now ordinarily alluded to as the â€Å"March on Washington†(About Dr. Lord, n.d.) It was here that Dr. Ruler conveyed his incredible â€Å"I Have a Dream†discourse, solidly setting himself on the world stage as a social and political pioneer, just as turning into the most youthful manâ€30 long periods of age†to get the Nobel Peace. Because of all the exposure Dr. Lord attracted to the social equality development, congress before long passed the chronicled 1964 Civil Rights Act, and not long after the 1965 Voting Rights Act (About Dr. Ruler, n.d.); clearing enactment proclaiming it unlawful to victimize blacks or some other minority individuals, and expelling any impediments darkening blacks of their entitlement to cast a ballot. After the entry of the Civil Rights Act, Dr. Ruler continued with his work, deciding to concentrate on financial equity and worldwide harmony. Disastrously, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was killed while visiting an inn in Memphis on April 4, 1968 (About Dr. Ruler, n.d.). Through his work, Dr. Lord acquainted our nation with the act of â€Å"nonviolent†showings, socially changing the manner in which numerous individuals take an interest in fights even today. Due to a limited extent to his peaceful battles, Dr. King’s endeavors brought about the death of the Civil Rights Acts, one of the most critical political changes happening throughout the entire existence of our nation. Consequently, I see these as the two most huge social and political changes coming about because of the activities of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Step by step instructions to refer to Nelson Mandela Essay, Essays
Monday, July 20, 2020
VS Podcast The Books That Make Season Two
VS Podcast The Books That Make Season Two Season three of VS is out, and here are the edited works of the authors invited to the second season of the podcast! Registers Of Illuminated Villages by Tarfia Faizullah Faizullah is a Bangladeshi American poet, and Registers Of Illuminated Villages is her second book, the first one being Seam, which explores the history of the women raped by Pakistani soldiers during the Liberation War of 1971. In this book, she speaks of war, violence, and loss, in a powerful collection which will keep us with eyes and hearts wide open up until the last page. They Can’t Kill Us Until They Kill Us by Hanif Abdurraqib This book is a compilation of essays regarding race, politics, and the type of society we live in, and most of them have already been published by The New York Times, MTV, and Pitchfork, but there are a few new essays never published before, which makes this compilation such a necessary read. It’s difficult to choose one book from all of Abdurraqid, so you should definitely check his other works. The Crown Ain’t Worth Much is a wonderful collection of poems, and you can also find videos of his slam poetry online. Blackgirl Mansion by Angel Nafis This is the first collection of poems by Nafis, and it has been highly praised. The poems speak of womanhood, and love, with an assured voice. Alongside Morgan Parker, she has created a poetry duo which tours internationally, called The Other Black Girl Collective. Hum by Jamaal May May’s debut book, Hum, has won a Beatrice Hawley Award, and it speaks of technology, and community. His poems have been published in various journals, and it’s well worth checking his other works, including The Big Book Of Exit Strategies. Calling A Wolf A Wolf by Kaveh Akbar This book is also Akbar’s debut, and it tackles matters such as addiction, and control, alcoholism and sobriety. The author has also published the chapbook Portrait Of The Alcoholic, and he has founded Divedapper, a project focused on interviewing the major voices of contemporary poetry. The January Children by Safia Elhillo The January Children is a collection of poems, which was released in 2017, and Elhillo is also the author of the chapbook The Life And Time Of Susie Knuckles. Her collection of poems has received the 2016 Sillerman First Book Prize for African Poets and the 2018 Arab American Book Award. Alongside Fatimah Ashgar, she co-edited the anthology Halal If You Hear Me. Wild Hundreds by Nate Marshall With this debut, Marshall won the Agnes Lynch Starrett Prize; the book is a love song to the people and the culture of Chicago. He has helped found Dark Noise, a collective of poets and educators of colour, and has also published Blood Percussion. He has appeared on the series Brave New Voices and on the documentary Louder Than A Bomb. A Cruelty Special To Our Species by Emily Jungmin Yoon This is Yoon’s first collection of poems, although she has also published the chapbook Ordinary Misfortunes in 2017. In A Cruelty Special To Our Species, she focuses on the sexual violence perpetrated on women, and specifically on the Korean women who were forced into sexual labour during WWII. She is the poetry editor of the literary magazine The Margins. On My Way To Liberation by H. Melt Melt’s work gives voice and celebrates queer and trans communities, and this particular book is seen through the eyes of a gender nonconforming body. In their other book, The Plural, The Blurring, they look at the lives of artists and activists which frequent the queer spaces of Chicago, in a collection of essays who are also a way to honour those in these communities who have passed away. Throwing The Crown by Jacob Saenz Saenz first collection of poetry was released in 2018, and the poems speak of boyhood, gang life, and growing up in a Chicago neighbourhood, and it has won the Honickman First Book Award from the American Poetry Review. The author is an editor at Columbia Poetry Review and an associate editor at RHINO. The Narrow Road To The Interior by Kimiko Hahn Hahn has written several poetry collections, and I have chosen to feature the first book I encountered when I first searched for her work, although I do not think that this work of hers is a better choice than the any of her other poetry collections. Her poetry is passionate, and it explores a woman’s many identities, in a game of experimentation. She has been awarded the PEN/Voelcker Award for Poetry, the American Book Award, and the Shelley Memorial Award from the Poetry Society of America. The Truth About Dolls by Jamila Woods I was dazzled to find this collection in the form of a digital album, and it was with wonder that I listened to Woods reading out her own poems, music lingering in the background, like a pretty frame to an already captivating painting. Alongside being a teacher, Woods is also a member of Dark Noise, and the frontwoman of the duo MO. If you haven’t heard of VS before, go and have a listen! It’s very, very worth it! The books that make season one can be found here.
Saturday, June 27, 2020
Sappho and Emily Dickinson A Literary Analysis - Literature Essay Samples
All mediums of poetry are specific and unique among each other. They have different attributes that can be mastered in order to deliver a perfect execution. However, when it comes to the ancient genre of lyrical poetry, these attributes are based around a certain form of meter and emotional content. Like the lyrics of regular music, the words of a lyrical poem were often made to go along with a musical instrument. Back then, the poems were set to an old instrument called a lyre, but more currently lyrics have evolved to be set to popular, modern music. It is most interesting to note that the history of this style of poetry is one that goes back to times of ancient Greece. Before the age of documentation, inspired writers were composing the first works of the artistic word. Although poetry from this particular time period was often lost in translation, an interesting woman has survived the rubble Sappho. As a Greek poetess, or female poet, Sappho’s success was unprecedented by anyone before her. She is considered one of the nine lyric poets to have shaped the genre, which was heavily dominated by men in its beginning stages. Lyric poetry launched itself as a starting point for the importance of meter and beauty in writing. Today, popular music and other forms of poetry and art mimic the standards of this style. Poetry as a collective whole has changed an incredible amount of times throughout the years, with each era bringing a new phase of stylistic experimentation and growing popularity. Regardless of this fact, the remnants of Sappho’s poetry can be found in the work of other and later poets. Her poetic influence has run further than her life. Thousands of years after her death, Massachusetts born, female poet Emily Dickinson is revered for her poems of love and loss, of grace and refined style. Much like Sappho, Emily Dickinson is considered a huge inspiration for her type of genre. Many consider Dickinson to have changed American female author ed poetry, but her work echoes that of the ancient lines of Sappho. When compared and contrasted, there are many similarities between the two authors. In the brevity, stylistic talent, and content of her work, Dickinson’s type of poetry can be traced back to that of Sappho’s style. Dickinson was openly inspired by many classical poets, and one may presume that Sappho was one of these artists. Paving the way for other female writers, both can be compared to one another as talented poets with a great mastery of meter, rhythm, and lyrical attributes. Greek studies researcher Mary Lefkowitz suggests that people assume female writers are not intellectual, and underestimate the power, talent, and intellect of the feminine author. She writes that people claim â€Å"Because women poets are emotionally disturbed, their poems are psychological outpouringsconcerned with their inner emotional lives.†(Lefkowitz 113). Whether this is true or not, the strength of this emotion is unparalleled and proves the genuine talent of both similar poets. Even with such a gap of time between their lives, it is amazing how unbelievably alike the two are. Sappho is best known for her fragments, which are the surviving excerpts of her various poetic works. These excerpts are extremely short in length, sometimes even only a sentence long. However, their content reflects the rhythm and style of her work, and how it fits into the genre of lyrical poetry.. It is soft and pretty, while also drawing in the reader with stunning, simple language and imagery. Because of their lost and broken nature, none of these fragments are titled. Lacking proper names, they have been numbered when documented by historians. Similarly, Emily Dickinson’s poems generally do not have names. For this reason, they are often referred to by their first line as a title, to differentiate between each piece. Although sometimes she has produced longer works, a decent amount of Dickinson’s poems are short and to the point, much like Sappho. The fragments of Sappho are also often song-like, due to the metered nature of her writing. Her piece, fragment 31, is an ode to love unrequited. It is believed that it is Sappho’s longing response at â€Å"the wedding feast of a girl who was leaving her†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (McEvilley 1). When she writes that â€Å"a cold sweat pours down me, and trembling seizes all (my body); I am paler than grass and seem almost to be dying†, she is expressing the sorrow and worry she feels at her lover’s marriage to someone who is not her. Like a lot of lyrical poetry, the content is universally relatable. Many can attest to the horrible feeling of love that is not returned. The emotions of Sappho being rejected translate vividly through the description of her pale, sweating body. When she writes that â€Å"And that seductive laugh, which sets /the heart to flutter in my chest,†Sappho is describing the mesmerizing nature of love and its accompanying feelings. Similarly, the topic of a heart broken is no stranger to the works of Dickinson. In Emily Dickinson’s poem which is titled after the first line as Heart! We Will Forget Him!, she attempts to forget the pain that a heartbreak has left her to deal with. Her proclamation in the title as well as the poem’s first line has a cadence with a tone of much ferocity and spirited determination, yet denial. This is comparable to the ending of Sappho’s poem, in which she states â€Å"all must be endured†¦Ã¢â‚¬ , which is in reference to the pain of a tragic heartbreak. Here, Sappho urges herself to fight through the pain, despite its terrible effects on her emotional and mental health. She breaks the narration in which she previously spoke only towards her leaving lover. Emily Dickinson wrote her poem to directly address her own heart, which she has personified as somewhat like a companion or confidante. She is trying to get through its walls from heartbreak, and is spe aking to it metaphorically in order to console it. When Dickinson writes, â€Å"When you have done, pray tell me/ That I my thoughts may dim†, she means that she wants her mind to calm down and be less upset about what is happening. The heartbreak is taking a toll on her mind and body, much like that described in the Sappho poem fragment 31. In contrast, Sappho addresses her lover with her honest and true inner thoughts, watching the horrifying scene unfold before her. Although they both are speaking to entirely different audiences, contextually the poems serve as a way to reconcile their feelings of loneliness and betrayal. It is interesting to note the extreme brevity of Dickinson’s poem as well. In only eight short lines, she is able to produce deep feelings of sadness and longing. Much like that of Sappho’s poetry, she is able to stay short with her words, yet express so much emotion. Sappho’s fragment 31 is only around thirteen lines, and this is even a bit long for Sappho. This constant brevity is a key factor of lyric poetry, and it is clear that this style of poetry inspired Dickinson. The quick, yet rhythmic nature of the poems are so similar, despite the time that has passed between them. Furthermore, they both incorporate rhyming. Dickinson’s poem rhymes the words â€Å"tonight†with â€Å"light†, which uses contrast imagery in lines two and four. This rhyming uses an â€Å"XAXA†rhyme scheme, which continues throughout the poem. In Sappho’s poem, she rhymes â€Å"near†with â€Å"overhear†in lines three and four. Sapphoâ⠂¬â„¢s rhyme scheme is a little more unpredictable, but she is able to upkeep the lyrical nature of the poem by using slant rhyme. For example, in the final lines she slant rhymes â€Å"grass†with â€Å"as that†. Paired with a lot of alliteration and fluidity in diction, Sappho creates musicality in the same way that Dickinson is able to. The influence of Sappho’s poetry on the work of Emily Dickinson is clear and evident throughout most of her poems. Although they both had very different lives, they still had experiences that they could relate to one another. The styles of both poets continue to affect the direction of modern poetry today. The short and sweet nature of their lyrical poetry is a homage to how beautiful and empowering words can be, even without using many of them. There is something special about having steady control over diction, flow, and rhyme scheme. Their feminine and powerful tone resonates throughout each piece of their personal work. Skillfully, each poet is able to keep a specific and strict meter, but yet they do not deter from the themes of their poems. Sappho’s affinity for style intertwined with romance related topics was passed down to Emily Dickinson, despite the years in between their lives. And like this, the true strength of her inspiring, yet ancient poetry is shown. Works Cited McEvilley, Thomas. Sappho, Fragment Thirty One: The Face behind the Mask. Phoenix 1978: 1-18. Rpt. in Classical and Medieval Literature Criticism. Ed. Lawrence J. Trudeau. Vol. 160. Detroit: Gale, 2014. Literature Resource Center. Web. 26 Sept. 2016. Lefkowitz, Mary R. Critical stereotypes and the poetry of Sappho. Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 14.2 (1973): 113.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
European Integration And The European Union - 1638 Words
Although European integration has primarily come about through the European Union and its policies, the idea of a united Europe can be traced back to Ancient Greece. The first we hear of Europe as a geographic concept was in the 7th/8th century BC through the infamous Myth of Europa (Greekmythology.com, 2015). The myth is about a Phoenician princess, Europa (after which the continent was named), who has a dream where she was called to by an unknown land telling her, she belongs to it (Greekmythology.com, 2015). Although this does not describe the geographic boundaries of the continent, it never the less goes to show that the concept of Europe being as one is nothing new. However, it was only until the Roman empire in 200 BC that brought†¦show more content†¦CULTURAL INTEGRATION By the end of the 4th century BC, the geographical concept of Europe gains a cultural dimension defined by Christianity. The Roman Empire had collapsed and Christianity emerged as a unifying force during the Middle Ages. This gave way to the rise of Europe as a cultural idea; one with a shared religion, Latin as the shared language of education and one with a stronger territorial identity in face of what were seen as external threats – namely Muslims of the Middle East. This perceived enemy was very important in constituting that unifying force. The previous Roman and Greek feeling of civilizational superiority becomes a moral superiority of which the belief that Christians were not only better than non-Christians, but also had a duty to preach their beliefs to others, was common. As a result, the European population unites behind the crusades from 1099 as they fought the Muslims in Jerusalem in battles which lasted almost 200 years. This tension over Jerusalem is still seen t o this day which once again shows that this European integration has always been bound to happen. RACIAL INTEGRATION Until the end of the 19th century, Europe maintains itself as a cultural idea. Any attempt to become a political entity is not taken seriously due to the rise in nationalism and the emergence of the nation state. This situation, however, changed with the developments of the 20th century. The criticism of the Church and
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